"Change Begins with a Choice" - Carolyn Wilson
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"Change Begins with a Choice" - Carolyn Wilson
Welcome to TheGoodLifeDoc

"Change Begins with a Choice" - Carolyn Wilson
"Change Begins with a Choice" - Carolyn Wilson
"The Good Life" is a story of trauma, scars, healing, and freedom. This story follows one women's journey of being molested that laid the foundation for a life of further trauma, abuse, depression and nonexistence. This short documentary is about a pinnacle moment that led to healing from sexual child abuse, being set free, and the movement created out of the process that helps others heal from their own trauma and abuse.
Following an amazing community screening and panel discussion to conclude Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The Good Life received this amazing news as being selected as an Essence Film Festival Finalist. Still excited about this honor and media spotlight.
I screened my award winning documentary at the Historic HiWay Theater.
And, I am still basking in the beauty of all that has allowed me to become me, the beginning of Magnify Your Essence and the creation of The Good Life.
I thank God for using my life, using my voice, using my story and using my testimony for the greater good to help so many.
Giving Him All the Honor and all the Glory. Just knowing all that I went through, truly was not in vain! I am living proof that despite what your life looked like you can have The Good Life afterall.
If you missed it...then you missed it. There truly are not enough words to describe what was experienced by all that attended.
All I can say is that yesterday's film screening and panel discussion was beyond powerful.
And we all witnessed something miraculous outcome when you use the power of your voice! I can't wait to share the pictures and stories with you in the days to come.
But right now, this is the moment that I truly thank God for making the impossible possible.
The Hiway is His way!
This recognition coming from Essence Film Festival is huge. Not just for me but for survivors everywhere. To receive this news no matter the outcome is testament to the work that has been put in.
This acknowledgement comes the heads of a powerful community event and meaningful discussion about Heal Within - Reclaim Your Power (SAAM EVENT). An event done in recognition of sexual assault awareness month.
A conversation that many shy from because of it darkness it carries but I'm here to give it light. Statistics show that 1 in 4 girls are being sexually abused and 1 in 5 for boys. Many of these kids grow up to be unhealed adults. Like I once was. Why? Because we don't want to talk about it. Well, I'm here to talk about it in a way that shows the side of healing, the side of healing and the side of endless possibilities.
There is a life you can choose to have after past trauma and abuse and that is The Good Life! This film shows the pinnacle moment how life can change base upon a choice and what good can come from it.
The Good Life has won awards and has been recognized all around the world. But, receiving this recognition from the people at Essence is beyond my wildest dreams. I am honored that they saw something in my story that is leaving a social impact on us all! To God Be The Glory. It was not in vain!
Thanks to everyone who had a part in this great and small. We did it together and I am grateful for your part. But most importantly...this goes out to all the survivors out there. just know that you matter! So does your voice. So does your story. This one is for you!!! xoxo Carolyn
#socialimpact #essencemagazine #EssenceFilmFestival #SAAM #thegoodlife #youmatter #survivor #herstory #finalist #filmfestival #filmmaker #director #writer #carolynwilson
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I once heard a picture is worth a 1,000 words and this one is no exception. This is the moment when you hear the words....And the winner is......"The Good Life by Carolyn Wilson".
Nothing can describe the way I felt. Although, this picture says 1,000 words. My heart is so full right now. I am still processing this milestone. The Sofie Awards is considered the Oscar of Short Films. Out of 1,000 films from 70 countries...The Good Life was nominated for two awards out of the 23 categories.
Just to be nominated is an amazing feat and then to win was and truly is bitter sweet. This film means so much to me as it truly depicts there is a Good Life after Trauma & Abuse. And I am proof!
I thank God for choosing me! I thank God for ordering my steps! I thank God for everyone who has been there to support me along the way. I thank God for everything!
There are so many people to name, so many people who are on my heart right now. Just know that I love you all.
Also last but not least, this one is for anyone who was ever sexually abused or molested, who was told they wouldn't be nothing, who never thought they had a voice! Who never thought that their life mattered! Who thought that they didn't have a good life! Well now you do! This one is for YOU!!!!
This is just the beginning....the world will know my story, your story, our story, The world will know my name, your name, our name! Ready or not....Here we come!!!!
Be the Voice!!!!!!! To God Be the Glory!!!!!
#magnifyyouressence #magnifiedthoughts #TheGoodLife #sheready #BeTheVoice #SurvivorswithVoices #2020sofie #2020SofieAward #bestwriter
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Check out this trailer for this award winning film.
Carolyn Wilson is The Fearless Magnified Educator™. A multi-award winning film-maker, 9x best selling author, international motivational speaker, and transformational health & wellness lifestyle expert who has been featured on many national and global outlets such as Huffington Post, I-Heart Radio, Radio One, ABC, CBS, Dr. Oz and Woman’s World Magazine. She has graced both physical and virtual stages with powerhouses such as Les Brown, Lisa Nichols, Dr. Cheryl Wood, George Fraizer, Forbes Riley & Brooke Burke. A survivor of Sexual Child Abuse and Domestic Violence turned advocate intentionally created a transformative healing journey to create a new narrative for her life. Her soul mission has allowed her to educate, guide, empower, motivate and inspire women from around the world to reach their fullest potential by aligning mind, body & spirit. Carolyn works with them to identify their life’s purpose and how to break through their own barriers to overcome their number one culprit – FEAR. She uniquely demonstrates how to tap into the power of positive thinking to live and create your best life fearlessly (especially after trauma & abuse) to life The Good Life. Carolyn is the creator of Magnify Your Essence, the Celebrating YOU Women’s Conference & Expo, the Beacon's Light Women’s Retreat, visionary author of Magnified Thoughts, H.E.R.Story Anthology, H.I.M.Story Anthology H.E.R.Story Too, curator of the M.Y.E Institute and the Writer, Director & Producer of The Good Life.
The award winning film “The Good Life” was written, directed and produced by first-time film maker Carolyn Wilson.
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Dear Friends,
Hope you are keeping healthy. Due to the state of Convid-19. All the following in person screenings of the Good Life have been postponed until a future date in order to keep the whole community safe. Once a new date has been confirmed the websites will be updated with either the live or virtual screening information. Thank you for your support and let's all be well together. Peace & Many Blessings.
The following festivals will be showcasing The Good Life Virtually:
Check IMBd listing for The Good Life
“The Good Life is such a huge story with such incredible humanity”~ Ashley Hoyle, Media Film Festival Programmer
“Watching this film was both deeply emotional and joyous” ~ Lynne Sachs, American Experimental Filmmaker
" Your courage, commitment and tenacity on your film is breathtaking. Congrats on telling your story and helping so many others to know the freedom of choice. " ~ Darieth Chisolm , Emmy Award Winning TV Host, Filmmaker, Speaker & Author
"This documentary was brave, powerful, uplifting, inspiring and healing." ~ Felicia Spivey Shanken, PWNC Foundation, Inc.
"Carolyn Wilson brings us on an emotional ride as she describes her journey. It was both beautiful and impactful. Her story is one that deserves to be seen, especially for those who have a similar story to share. As women we may find that our voices are not as strong as we’d like them to be, but there are others who feel as if their voice is nonexistent. " ~ Chynna, 2020 American INSIGHT Intern, Temple University - Free Speech Film Festival
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